Civil Disobedience movement – Part 14

Civil Disobedience movement (1930-34)

  • In the prevailing atmosphere of restlessness, the annual session of the congress was held at Lahore in December 1929.
  • During this session presided over by Jawaharlal Nehru congress passed the Poorna Swaraj resolution.
  • Moreover, as the government failed to accept the Nehru report, the congress gave a call to launch the civil disobedience movement.
  • The congress had also observed January 26, 1930 as the Day of Independence.
  • Since then January 26th had been observed as a day of Independence every year.
  • The same date later became the Republic day when the Indian constitution was enforced in 1950.

The Dandi March

  • Thus, the stage was set for the second major struggle led by the congress.
  • On 12th March 1930, Gandhi began his famous March to Dandi with his chosen 79 followers to break the salt laws.
  • He reached the coast of Dandi on 5 April 1930 after marching a distance of 200 miles and on 6 April formally launched the civil disobedience movement by breaking the salt laws.
  • On 9 April, Mahatma Gandhi laid out the programme of the movement which included making of salt in every village in violation of the existing salt laws; picketing by women before the shops selling liquor, opium and foreign clothes; organizing the bonfires of foreign clothes; spinning clothes by using charkha fighting untouchability; boycotting of schools and colleges by students and resigning form government jobs by the people.
  • Over and above all these, the programme also called upon the people not to pay texes to the government.
  • Soon, the movement spread to all parts of the country.
  • Students, workers, farmers and women, all participated in this movement with great enthusiasm.
  • As a reaction, the British government arrested important leaders of the congress and imprisoned them.

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